Unfortunately, workplace discrimination adversely affects countless California employees, raising the question: what are common examples of workplace discrimination?
Luckily, the Golden State is also one of the most progressive in the nation regarding employee protections. So, what are common examples of workplace discrimination? This article will examine several types of discrimination as well as the laws protecting employees against adverse and disparate treatment—because understanding what constitutes discrimination is the first step to fighting it.
If you suspect you are a victim of workplace discrimination, it’s critical to call the Law Office of John Dalton before filing a claim. Our experienced legal counsel can guide you through your case, helping to safeguard a successful resolution. We’ve recovered tens of millions of dollars for employees like you and are here to ensure you get the justice you deserve.
How Common is Workplace Discrimination?
Despite what many people think, workplace discrimination is still a problem. In 2020, the U.S. Equal Opportunity Employment Commission received 67,448 discrimination charges. Of those 67,448 EEOC complaints, 4,130 were filed by California employees (6.1 percent of the total U.S. charges), with disability being the top California discrimination claim. Other claims include:
- Retaliation: 19%,
- Sex/Gender: 14%,
- Race: 13%,
- Age: 11%, and
- Sexual Harassment/Hostile Environment: 5%
If you suspect your employer is treating you discriminatorily, an excellent first step is to contact an experienced employment attorney at the Law Office of John Dalton. One of our skilled professionals can review your claim and guide you through the legal process.

What Are Common Examples of Workplace Discrimination?
Common examples of discrimination at work include the following categories.
Gender Discrimination
Gender discrimination occurs when an employer mistreats an employee because of gender. This discrimination manifests in various ways, including unequal pay, restricted career advancement, and sexual harassment. Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 makes it illegal to discriminate against someone based on gender. While the California Civil Rights Department (formerly known as the California Department of Fair Employment and Housing) and the EEOC enforce Title VII protections, the first step for employees experiencing gender discrimination should be to consult a legal expert who can evaluate your case.
Racial Discrimination
Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 also protects against race-based employment discrimination. This type of discrimination occurs when an employer explicitly or implicitly mistreats an employee because of their race or ethnicity. Examples include being overlooked for promotions, race-based harassment, including verbal and visual harassment, or termination related to race. Contact us to discuss your best action if you are grappling with racial discrimination.
Religious Discrimination
Like racial discrimination, Title VII of the Civil Rights Act protects against religious discrimination. Religious discrimination includes unfair or unequal treatment based on a worker’s religious beliefs. This type of discrimination includes inadequate accommodation for religious practices, which often takes the form of an employer refusing to allow an employee off work to celebrate a religious holiday or harassment based on faith. If you think you’re a victim of religious discrimination, don’t hesitate to contact us for tailored guidance.
Sexual Harassment
Sexual harassment is another form of workplace discrimination protected by Title VII and the California Civil Rights Department. Unwanted sexual advances, inappropriate comments or jokes, visual harassment, quid pro quo harassment, stalking, or actions that create a hostile work environment are a few examples of this category. Reach out to us if you believe you are experiencing sexual harassment at work; we can be your advocate and bring you justice.
Age Discrimination
The Age Discrimination Act of 1975 and other laws protect against workplace age discrimination. Ageism primarily affects employees over 40 and often occurs when an employer overlooks job opportunities or promotions for an older worker or wrongfully terminates an older employee. This can take the form of “lay-offs” disguised as “cost-cutting” measures wherein older workers make a higher salary, and are the employees that are “laid-off.” If age discrimination is an issue in your workplace, it is best to consult a knowledgeable attorney before taking action.
Disability Discrimination
The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) requires employers to ensure equal opportunity in the application process, enable qualified individuals with a disability to perform the essential functions of a job, and make it possible for an employee with a disability to enjoy the equal benefits and privileges of employment by providing reasonable accommodations. Several federal and state agencies enforce this act, so if you feel your employer discriminates based on your disability, it’s a good idea to contact us before filing a complaint.
Contact the Law Office of John Dalton
If you think you’re facing discrimination at work, don’t hesitate. Contact us today for a free consultation. We’re experts in employment law and focus entirely on helping people facing unfair and unlawful workplace treatment. We can help you step-by-step through the complaint process, show you how to collect the evidence you’ll need for a successful claim, and, we’ll fight for you in court. We’ve passionately represented discrimination victims for over 25 years and have recovered tens of millions in settlements and verdicts for our clients.